SATT STATT STARK Sozialkritik & Dekadenztexte

Sozial- und gesellschaftskritische Essays, eine zeitkritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Appell an Reaktivierung von Herz und Verstand. I ...

Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2016

Interview with Malevolence Records (USA), Nathan Mc Leod by Petra M. Jansen & tool4spirit

Hi Nathan, nice to talk to you! It´s a great pleasure for me to interview a
record label owner on “Kulissenblicke” because until now we´ve had just
national and international bands in the interview.  

Link to the very interesting "Kulissenblicke" interview (in English)->

Interview with Malevolence Records, Nathan Mc Leod

Nathan McLeod, all rights reserved

Malevolence Records, all rights reserved

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